Most of the mistakes made in accountancy are made because the one who makes them does not take the time to look properly at the voucher and to transfer the right figures from the vouchers into the bookkeeping programme. This you do not learn in school. It is a part of your personality and way of thinking.
With a basic education and a careful and cautious way of thinking most people should be able do the accounts of a small company.
If your business has grown to 5-15 persons it is not practical or time-efficient to expect that you should make all the decisions and authorise all transactions yourself. You have to delegate authority to members of staff.
In order to protect the ones to whom you have delegated authority and to
prevent temptation and to mis-use of your assets there must be a separation of
the different duties in the company.
- Go to next business issue: Account Plan
Accounting was the course that helped me more than anything.
- Julian Robertson, hedge fund veteran