It is often quite hard to come up with a swift and clear answer for what your company actually sells. Many have a tendency of maundering, deepening or understating leaving the questioner with a diffuse impression of what has been said.
One of the reasons why you may have difficulty to tell a potential customer,
what you are doing is that you actually do not know.
Of course you know in
broad terms what you want to sell but at the specific level it becomes
Do you have a restaurant or do you sell physical things like shoes, scarves or PC monitors, it may be relatively easy to tell what you are selling.
But if you sell services such as software development, HR services, management or support, you can easily engage in a long story that no potential customer will understand.
You must learn to make a short elevator pitch so you are able to explain to your customers exactly what you sell.
Try to prepare the perfect sales talk brief enough to be told to a stranger in an elevator going up five floors. He or she might be a potential customer.
A restaurant owner and an IT expert could work out the below elevator pitches:
Get help to write and structure your elevator pitch with PitchGrup tool. It is free, simple and helpful.
Go to next business issue: Where Are You Different from Your Competitors?
Money coming in says I´ve made the right marketing decisions.
Adam Osborne, made the first portable computer