Fritz Sybergs Vej 9
DK 8270 Hojbjerg

IT Systems

You probably need some sort of IT (a computer and accessories) for various purposes in your company. Also for the accounting.

Examples of the utility value a PC offers most companies:

  • Letters and other documents - word processing program
  • Make your own accounts - accounting program
  • Financial calculations - spreadsheet
  • Internet searching - web browser
  • Send and receive e-mails - e-mail program

Companies´ IT requirements vary a lot and there are probably not two persons in the world using a computer the exact same way.

The technology has developed in such a way that - along with a high degree of standardisation - computer applications can be tailored to fit each individual user and his/her requirements.

Other services offered to companies by a PC and its software:

  • Homepage setting-up - web design program/CM application
  • Customer relations follow-up - customer relationship program/CRM application
  • Graphics/photo - paint and design applications
  • Social networking - e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn

What kind of computer is required?

If your company does not run extremely IT intensive tasks such as image processing or other graphic assignments or heavy use of the Internet, an ordinary computer will do the job, and it does not have to be brand-new.
Thus, most computers from 2010 and newer are sufficiently fast and powerful to handle day-to-day word processing, bookkeeping and other routines.

Do-it-yourself - within limits

Often the computer´s software set-up is far more important. If neither you nor anyone from your circle of friends is a computer wizard, it is a good investment to have a computer expert spend a few hours setting up your computer.

Software optimisation of a relatively new used computer will in practice often be as good as buying a new computer. Likewise, adding more memory is no longer a costly affair and it will speed up your computer and give it more headroom.


You have vital information of different nature (letters, customer files, accounts, etc.) in your business computer. Losing such information could be critical to your business.

There is always a risk that your computer is stolen, breaks down due to malfunction, or your data could disappear or be destroyed in another way. At best, re-entering such data is time consuming, at worst, it is not even an option because the information is not to be found elsewhere.

Back-up routines

Thus, it is of utmost importance that you and your staff integrate a routine ensuring that the worst case scenario depicts a few days´ work lost. Whether to back up on CD-ROMs, memory sticks, USB hard disk or maybe online on a extern server is a matter of taste and a question of the file sizes you handle.

It is also important that you establish this routine correctly to ensure that you backup the right data and that another computer will be able to recognise your backup files.
The backup data must be stored where they are not exposed to loss due to theft, fire, etc.

Software backup is usually not normally necessary. Software take up so much hard disk space that it will be impossible to backup unless you have a CD-rom burner or a data tape unit.


Your PC will eventually get a virus. However, you can limit the probability and frequency significantly by installing an anti-virus program.
- Go to next business issue: Four ways of Safeguarding

If you want an accounting of your worth, count your friends.
- Marilyn French, American writer

Accountancy Step by Step
Administration Made Easy
Accounting on a computer
Why Accounting
Computer Bookkeeping?
IT Systems
What is Accountancy?
Principles in Accounting
Understand Financial Info
Safeguarding Your Assets
Help to Take Action
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