Fritz Sybergs Vej 9
DK 8270 Hojbjerg

How to create a company

When you want to create a company there are 2 ingredience that have to be in place.

1) A business idea

You must come up with an idea to a product or a service that somebody wants to buy. If nobody wants to buy your product or service you cannot create a company. You can create a company as hair dresser or as a app developer that sell programming hours or as a consultant selling indoor decoration and garden design.

 If you don’t have a business idea you have to start with the resources you have; that are what successful entrepreneurs do.

2) Execute the business idea

The business idea is worth nothing if you don’t bring it to life. The answer to the question How to create a company is: Work hard to bring your business idea to market.

It is in the execution that shows if you are a proper entrepreneur. How often have you not heard somebody say: I had that idea two years ago and now they earn millions? They earn millions because they implemented the idea and not just talked about it like your friend.

As the American president Benjamin Franklin said: Well done is better than well said.

How to create a company is to execute

The best way to bring the business idea to life is to follow the 9 steps to write a business plan. The steps guide you through the execution of your business idea.

When you in the business plan answer many business question you will know exactly what you have to execute and in what order

The 9 steps to execute

  1. Entrepreneur Resources for a startup
  2.  Describe Your Product or Service
  3.  Description of the Market
  4. Sales and Marketing
  5.  Organizing Your Startup
  6.  Developing Your Business
  7. Budgets - Estimate Your Costs and Income
  8. Financing - Where to Find the Money
  9.  What is Your Business Concept

Download business plan template


Hard work beats talent when talent does not work hard.
- Tim Notke - no information about him

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How to create a company
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Organising the Company
Your Product / Service
Financing Start-up
Sales and Marketing
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Entrepreneurship Education