When you want to start a business in USA you need an EIN.
Caution: An EIN is for use in connection with your business activities only. Do not use your EIN in place of your social security number (SSN)
The internet is the preferred method to use when applying for an EIN. Visit
the IRS website at www.irs.gov
and search "EIN application".
The application includes embedded help topics and hyperlinked keywords and
definitions so separate instructions aren’t needed.
The information you submit is validated during the online session. Once you’ve
completed the application, you will receive your EIN immediately. You can then
download, save, and print your confirmation notice. The online application is
fast, free, and user-friendly!
You must check with your State to make sure you need a state number or charter.
Read a well written PDF document about Employer Identification Numbers - EIN:
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