Here is an example of a business plan for a graphic design company.
The business plan is written in a template you can download on this web site.
The business plan takes up 13 pages and shows how a business can be
structured. It is simple, convenient and understandable.
We are two young graphic designers who are trying to start a small and
creative agency here in the town of Aarhus. Our products are mainly based on
designing and creating print and advertising materials, such as logo design,
typography, illustration and photography.
Firstly, we work together for three other companies as freelance graphic
designers, where we get around 100 hours’ of work every month.
At the same time,
we try and find our own customers, like small shops, stores, private people and
small companies. We plan to find about three customers of our own per month.
We will initiate contact with customers by visiting them personally and leaving
our business card at their desk. After 1 week we call or visit them again, but
that really depends on how much time and work we get.
On the internet we have our company philosophy, our works/references, and of
course our contact information.
We offer customers an “All-in-One-Concept“, which means we take care of all the
things the customer needs for a good presentation of their business.
With our practical work experience, our knowledge and our technical and vocational skills, we offer the market the same product as a big agency does - but for a cheaper price.
We don’t use much money for the start, so all the money we earn is more or less profit for our company. We don’t need any money for funding our start-up, as we already have everything required.
We offer customers an “All-in-One-Concept.
- Owners of Pixel and Bites