If you’re a sole trader, you’re running your own business as an individual.
One of the involved partners must be the ‘Nominated Partner’. This is the partner who will be responsible for keeping business records and managing tax returns.
In a business partnership, you’re running the business using the rules as
Sole Traders - but all the partners share equal responsibility for the business.
You can share all the profits between the partners and each partner pays tax on
their share of the profits.
Both the nominated partner and other individual partners are responsible for:
The ‘nominated partner’ - the partner responsible for managing the
partnership’s tax returns and keeping business records - must register the
partnership and oneself for Self-Assessment
The other partners register separately; they usually do this after the
partnership is registered.
You register for Self-Assessment with HMRC:
Money coming in says I´ve made the right marketing decisions.
Adam Osborne, made the first portable computer